So, earlier today I was on facebook, i'm not gonna bullshit you.. I use facebook more frequently than I would like to admit... So I don't admit it. I've been doing this 30 days of gaming thing like a bunch of other people. It's where you post 1 picture per day for 30 days of what game suits that day, the days being best gameplay, or, saddest game moment. etc. etc. I won't get into detail on that. One of my friends posted they're console of choice today, that being Xbox 360. You can only imagine that PS3 fanboys started coming out to bash it of course... But you see this pretty much anywhere someone posts anything about one console or the other. I'm not just pointing fingers at PS3 fanboys either, 360 fanboys are just as bad.
The thing that really makes me mad though is ignorance. If you think something is better, or if something is horrible, back up your damn argument. What evidence do you have that such and such a system sucks?
Before I really get into it, I would like to point out that no, the Wii will not be entering this battle, because Nintendo has failed to join the next generation of consoles, but are still doing extremely well for their cheap little motion sensing machine.
So let's get started.. I'm going to do some comparisons. This is from my PERSONAL opinion, I have owned both consoles and have experienced them pretty equally I'd say.
The Games
What console has the best game library? Well it's hard to say... The majority of both game library's are multi-platform games, that means both consoles have them. So if you're into Call of Duty, each console will play these games just as good. Of course there has been evidence that for some reason, some multi-platform games don't work as well on the PS3 as they do on 360, Bayonetta being one of these games. This is probably due to the fact that a lot of these games are designed on the Xbox 360 first, and than made for the PS3 later, more than likely a hardware compatibility thing, but I'll get into that later.
So we can't judge these consoles on multi-platform, that's for certain, because they both have them. Comparing the graphics on them doesn't work because they look pretty much identical with maybe different brightness or lighting, but this usually has to do with the TV too.
Imagine your favourite console is in his hands.. |
Alan Wake
Dead Rising series
Fable series
Forza series
Gears of War series
Halo series (including Halo Wars)
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Saints Row series
Playstation 3 Exclusives:
God of War 3
Killzone series
Uncharted series
Metal Gear Solid 4
Infamous series
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Demon Souls series
Little Big Planet
Now I know there's definitely more than just those, but I feel those are the most notable ones from each console. Not all of these games interest me at all. Games like Forza and Gran Turismo just don't float my boat. For me, there's more games on the 360 front than there are for PS3, that interest me.
My picks from both:
Xbox 360:
Alan Wake
Halo series
Fable series
Gears of War series
Dead Rising series
Mass Effect
Lost Odyssey
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted 2
God of War 3
Killzone 2
It's pretty obvious that I'm more into the hardcore games than anything else. Xbox 360 offers more in the realm of exclusives. However, the PS3 exclusive games are very heavy hitters, I enjoyed MGS4 and God of War 3 immensely. There's definitely talent there, but PS3 doesn't have enough of these and not enough original games that aren't sequals. All of the other games besides Halo and Fable are original to the Xbox 360 and are new innovative ideas, where as all of the PS3 games I've listed come from either a PS2 game or is a sequal. Uncharted being probably the only original idea, taking a spin on Tomb Raider/Gears of War. That being said, sony's original games that came from PS2 have excellent story and gameplay "with the exception of Killzone, the story in that kind blew".
Please keep in mind that this is all personal preference.
Online Gaming
*squeaky*PWND! N00B*squeaky* "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" |
This is where a lot of the debates start between the 2 consoles.. Mainly because PS3 has a benefit of free online with an option to upgrade for more content etc. Where as 360 is about $60 for 13 months of online play. I agree to an extent that online gaming should be free, if you pay for a game you should be entitled to all of its features. But I see this as a World of Warcraft effect. Blizzard charges roughly $15/month to play their game, and they've been doing that for year. You buy the game, and you end up paying for it forever... Play on private servers, it'll save you a lot of dough and it's pretty much the exact same as retail, with some minor bugs here and there...
When it comes to online games.. this, for me, is the decider. People will buy the console that their friends play. In my case it's Xbox 360, because everything that we play online is pretty much muti-platform, so there's really no argument you can make.
Xbox 360:
Xbox Live - $60 for 13 months of online play + services
I prefer this because Xbox has the party chat option where you can have up to 8 people in the same chat, you can watch movies together while online, play games, and video chat etc.
PSN - Free online play and access to some services
Playstation Plus - $50 for 12 months of access to services similar to those of xbox live.
I haven't seen PSN lately, so don't get mad at me if I missed some things, I've never experienced a party chat or video chat and whatnot on PSN when I owned the PS3 console, it may have changed since than.
From my standpoint, I'd choose XBL, because all of my friends play on Xbox live, and that's quite a bit of people, so I usually always had someone to play with. PS3 I only had 2 friends that weren't online very often. The services PS+ promotes try to sound exclusive, and I'm sure it is, but from my standpoint, the same services are available to everyone on xbox live, so, everything is exclusive to those who "pay" for it.
Hardware and Innovation
Ok, so, I'm just gonna put it out there. PS3 definitely has the better hardware inside it's black box. This is proven through their exclusive games like God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2. All beautiful looking games. Xbox 360 does have excellent hardware capabilities, almost comparable. That's why a lot of games are multi-platform. Games like Gears of War on xbox are quite comparable to those on PS3. I would consider Gears to be one of the better looking games on Xbox. Crysis 2 is another game coming out with excellent visual graphics comparable to PS3's top games, however, again, it's multi-platform.
Bottom line is, PS3 has better hardware, but 360 is comparable. I'm not gonna go into specs and fancy numbers and all that crap, no body cares. The bigger the number the better isn't always the case, so shut it!
We've gotten past the hardware, now let get to the innovation...
We should have kept track of the design process a bit more.. |
I don't care how much of a PS3 fanboy you are, you can't like PS Move, how can ANYBODY like this Lollipop dildo Wii rip off!? That's literally what it is, when it comes to innovation, I put a huge fail stamp on sonys forehead. The Move is basically a high definition wii console, but the bottom line is, it's been done. People into this stuff probably already have a wii, most PS owners are hardcore gamers and don't want to pay $180+ to play with a Dildo that has a light up ball. There might be some girls who do.. I dunno. The wii has already done this, established the market and have the games for it. Sony is very late to the plate, and weren't even original on the concept, they didn't even bother to try and change it. It's exactly the same as the wii! Come on sony! Don't be stupid, stupid!
This used to be Natal, than people made fun of it :( |
This, is more like it. Microsoft definitely stepped up to the plate on this one. Again, this is a product of the Wii's success. Instead of following suit and making yet another motion controller, they came up with the Kinect motion tracking camera. They completely eliminated the controller and let people play games with their entire body. I have the Kinect and have to say that it is very well done. It does however need a larger library, but I feel like Microsoft is on the right track with Kinect. It becomes more than just a motion control gimmick for sports games, but a voice activated and hand gesture interface for your console. It's quite basic at the moment, but you can see the future with this device. Keep in mind I'll always want a controller when playing a shooter. I quite like Kinect, it differs from the wii and PS3 with the fact it has no controller. Kinect I think is more milestone for the future. This is a product of good design and innovation.
I'm trying my best to be as unbiased as possible, as I haven't played PS Move. I just don't feel that Sony made a great decision with Move. It's overpriced, it's gimmicky, and it feels like one of those knock off 3rd party video game things that is copying the wii. I've owned a Wii, enjoyed it for a while, and the motion controller thing just isn't for me. Kinect came with my xbox, so I just ended up owning it. It was a package deal.
Final Verdict
After everything I've said, I give the edge to the Xbox 360 from my personal experience. Xbox has the games I want, the online experience I want, and the innovation to keep the platform moving forward.
Sony has always come short for me when it's come to the PS3, I watch every E3 conference with great enthusiasm, waiting to see what they'll show in their press conference. Every press conference I've watched Sony has talked more about the PS2 than they have with the PS3. This past year was an exception. We can all agree that sony has had a hard time getting started with the PS3. When it first came out it was overpriced, didn't have a great library and was falling behind. The Blu-Ray player is what I think really set it behind out of the gate, but it proves to be working for it now, especially since beating out HD DVD's. Blu-Ray discs are definitely a benefit for the PS3, but I don't see that as a decider.. I can get HD movies that look just as good and can fit them on one DVD and watch it on my HD TV. The Blu-Ray doesn't have much effect on me. It's more the TV than the player on that point. Blu-Ray is definitely a step forward for sony, being able to fit every game on one disc rather than 2, 3, or 4. But, I've always enjoyed having more discs for some reason... I just feel like I'm getting more for my money when that happens.
The one thing I didn't mention in here was the failure rate Xbox 360 has had in the past. The reason I didn't is because I never really had that big of a problem with the RROD (red ring of death), and Microsoft has since than seemingly eliminated it from the console. PS3 also had it's own failure, being the Yellow light of death.. This just wasn't as widely broadcast, but there were plenty of PS3 consoles that have had this happen.
In conclusion, you're experience may differ from mine. This is based solely on my personal experience with both consoles, and I believe my reasons are valid for thinking what I do. I'm not perfect in my opinion, no I'm not, however much I like to believe that I am, I know I'm not. If you disagree, or have a different opinion, you are entitled to it. But for the love of fuck! BACK UP YOUR DAMN ARGUMENT!! Saying Xbox sucks, or PS3 sucks, is invalid and devoid of merit. Each console has a living thriving fan base, and the very fact that fanboys exist for both sides just proves that neither of the consoles suck. It's almost like racism in a way isn't it? Judging something and calling it names just because it's different! FOR SHAME!
Thus concludes my basic reasoning for favouring Xbox, the title really should have been, "Why I like Xbox better than that piece of trash that calls itself a console shitty garbage disposal of a machine that's better at making coffee than it is at playing video games!" lololololololololol ;).
Mike MacDonald
Mike MacDonald
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